
Sick Kitty

Anyone know of a good Vet in the city? I usually go to Mt. Washington Animal Hospital (NOT Falls Rd. - not after the one $750 night my last cat spent there, which nearly killed him!), and a friend just recommended Aardmore, but I figured since you are all cat folk (except Jared) someone may have a suggestion.


Kerry said...

aww I had to comment because my cat is my baby, so I can relate.
Last year my cat was so sick and not eating, she got all the way down to 4 lbs. and nearly died. The vet had no idea why either. Luckily we got a 2nd opinion and went to a different vet on Reisterstown Rd. and he saved her life. (I know it's not exactly in the city.) The name is TLC for pets, http://www.tlcforpets.net/vets.cfm and his name is Dr. Lucas. He's a little nerdy and awkward, but he really knows his stuff, and like I said he saved my kitty's life. Now she's doing well and actually turns 20 next month!
Good luck!

Tara said...

I go to light street animal hospital in federal hill..its on, well, light street. The doctor is a little strange, but i like him and they are reasonable.

justjill said...

Thank you guys!! We wound up going to Mt. Washington Animal Hospital (proximity) and they were AMAZING! They have a cat who lives there named Monty who is ridiculously friendly, and the surgery went smoothly, and Jaiden (our kitty) did SO WELL! I just gave her the last dose of antibiotics and painkillers she'll be taking, and she gets her drain removed on Monday! She is doing so well!!
Thanks again!

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