
Words, words, words are just that, if you say them JUST that way

I can't find the spoken word artist online who said the line that is now the title of my blog post, but that line has stuck with me since I was 14. At that same awkward age, I participated in a spelling bee at school. I waited and whittled through the competition of my 128 classmates, eventually placing second after misspelling vacuum (I went with 2 c's over 2 u's). I was a bibliophile even back then, which is the only factor that could account for my runner-up-man-ship, as the only word I practiced repeatedly was (thank you for reminding me Jared) antidisestablishmentarianism. I had daydreams of winning the spelling bee with that humonstrous term, affirming my scholastic value among the classmates who knew me best for burgundy hair and the unequivocal certainty that I would not arrive prepared for class...EVER. So, my study habits have changed a bit, sadly, I still tend to procrastinate, but not as badly.
Ooh, that rhymed.
So the reason this falls in line with the Show and Tell, is I've italicized some words I love.
Obvious, no?
Oh, some off the top of my head: languid, cellar, grocery, feline, occasionally, chutzpah, accoutrement (pronounced "accoutremond"), amuck, archetype, serendipity (which I often replace with the yiddish be'shert or 'blessed') synchronicity, ubiquitous, transmogrifier, and umm.

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